Counterbalance: Good News Wednesday, Cats & Dogs Edition

Because nothing brings a smile quicker than kitties and doggies.

Aside #1: Yeah, I know it’s a rather lame idea, this post, but I just needed a break from humans today.  I’m sick again, with new symptoms, and it’s got me feeling somewhat depressed.  I promise next month’s good news will be more interesting.  Stick with me.  Next week I will be back to political commentary.

First up is a story from the Sunny Skyz website about the Cat Pawsitive program, an effort by The Jackson Galaxy Project.  This program trains shelter cats in order to make them more adoptable and confident.  The example in this article is workers teaching cats to “high five” the humans!

Also from the Sunny Skyz website, a story about a 17 year old dog – who is blind and deaf – who led his family to their missing 3 year old daughter.  He stayed by her side all night, leaving only to run to rescuers as they came near, so he could lead them to the girl.  Both girl and dog are fine (“17 Year Old Deaf and Blind Dog Help Searchers Find Missing 3 Year Old Girl”, Sunny Skyz website, 4/21/18).

“Dog Ownership Linked To Living Longer, Study Finds”, reports an article on The Independent website (Josh Gabbatiss, 11/17/17).  The benefit of dog ownership is apparently linked to lower levels of cardiovascular disease.  Hey, makes a good argument if you need to convince someone that the puppy your spontaneously brought home is a life saver!

Not to be outdone, the Health Fitness Revolution website lists 10 health benefits of being owned by a cat, which include reducing stress, decreasing risk of strokes, providing therapeutic help, boosting immunity, lowering blood pressure, and even reducing your carbon footprint.

Aside #2: I can’t confirm the lowering blood pressure thing, possibly because my cats are all the time causing mischief.  Running after them while saying, “No, don’t do that!” is not a calm experience.  Except for them.  They seem to think it’s amusing to watch me.

Here’s a cat who prevented mischief – “This Just In: Angry Cat Foils Burglary”, posted by someone named Andrea, LifeWithCats website, 4/10/18.  Cat parent in Maryland was woken up by his kitty, who was meowing while looking out the window and watching someone steal things out of the parent’s car.  Good kitty!

From the LifeWithDogs website, here’s a funny video of a dog who really, really loves pizza!  Now I know what “zoomies” are.

Here are some brief and funny stories about cats from a website called “Dog ‘N Meows” (“7 Funny Overheard Cat Stories to Crack You Up”, 9/9/17).  I like the one called “Sneaky, Evil Queen”.  I had a cat who always used to get my dog in trouble that way.

Funny dog pics. Enjoy. These are from BarkPost.

And finally, from my most favorite site “ICanHazCheeszburger(LolCats)”, this:

No matter what kind of day I am having, ICanHazCheezburger? always cheers me up!

Aside #3: If you have any favorite happy kitty/doggy sites that do not focus on “hurt/near death animal saved by humans” stories – because those make me cry, even though they have happy endings, and I don’t need more crying in my life right now – please let me know so I can enjoy them right along with you.

Weird news of the week:  The Japanese have invented a “shadow man” that is a projection of a man on your curtains, doing things like boxing, doing karate, or vacuuming (to name just 3).  It’s designed for people who live alone, to make others – like burglars – think there is another person there.

I think this is a great idea.  I would buy this.  In another, more urban place I lived, I once had a guy knock on my door, claiming to be a neighbor needing help.  I stupidly let him in, then got suspicious, and told him to get out (which he did).  I called the cops and they told me the guy usually beats people up and takes their money.  Needless to say, I got a lecture about opening my door to strangers.  The cops told me he probably had been watching the duplex to see if I lived alone.

Recommendation of the week: Code Black resumes tonight.  It’s a medical procedural drama.  Pretty good, if you like that genre (I do).  Another good medical drama is The Resident.

Be good.  Be kind.  Back to my serious self next week.




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